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What is the Free Multimedia Program Bank

To exchange programs

The Free Multimedia Program Bank on Internet is a free service set up by Vidéon association, with an aim of supporting the emergence and the development of televisions of proximity. It makes it possible to facilitate the exchanges between associations and/or the private individuals.

There are two great types of programs suggested in the bank of free programs of rights:

  • With the time of the short audio-visual programs intended to be diffused by televisions of proximity.
  • But also of the elements allowing to develop new programs (musics, sequences vidéos, photographs...)

You said television of proximity?

A television of proximity is a video diffusion carried out regularly by a group of inhabitants of a village or a district.

The production is often carried out with average amateurs and represents between 20 minutes and 3 hours. It is diffused at intervals varying from the quarter at the week for most significant.

The programs of televisions of proximity present the local information carried out by the inhabitants themselves, but also of documentary and the less local headings but concerning the life of tous.les.jours (employment, kitchen, etc). The objective of these televisions of proximity is to recreate or develop a social link between the inhabitants through the appropriation of a media.

The means of diffusion are varied:

  • Loans and gifts of cassettes
  • Diffusion in the public places (" television wheelbarrow ")
  • Branch on a community aerial
  • Diffusion on the network cabled within the framework of the public access
  • Diffusion on Internet
  • Other possibilities exist (hertzian diffusion, MMDS)
  • Televisions also use the mixing of these various means of diffusion

Why exchange?

Televisions of proximity, although not having a grid continues to fill, however may find it beneficial to have additional programs which enter within their framework. They can be thus focused more easily on the most local part of their programs.

It can seem astonishing to want to exchange images which have a local vocation. However there are several interests to set up these exchanges:

  • The programs sets of themes (Gardening, administrative steps, astronomy amateur...), are often not purely local. They more often have a proximity of interest, of passion
  • The local programs can interest of the distant people who lived the district or who have there of the family or the friends (direct accessibility by Internet)
  • Districts or villages can decide to create a " video twinning " by exchanging information or by carrying out each one a heading on a same topic (" How organizes itself one on our premises to seek an employment? ")
  • The local life in a point is of an interest for very distant people. That is particularly true for international exchanges (life of tous.les.jours in a district in Japan or life of a French village presented to Japan)

The network of televisions of proximity of Vidéon association

The non-profit-making association Vidéon, born in 1988, set up televisions of proximity since 1990. In front of the difficulty in progressing while being alone, association A creates in 1991 the network of televisions of proximity. The purpose of this network is to facilitate the emergence and the development of televisions of proximity.

Its installation was geared down by the emergence of Internet which makes it possible to touch a great number of people with a marginal blow. The Vidéon network is close

  • National Federation of Vidéos of the Countries and Districts (VDPQ) which gathers a score of existing televisions of proximity
  • of Videazimut, international organization which federates the various national structures for the freedom of expression

The three services offered free to televisions of proximity are: ‹

  1. An information center on the technical aspects, legal etc. installation of a television (available on site Vidéon)
  2. A made up network of correspondents people interested by the production and the video diffusion (gathered on the mailing list Internet: and of associations signatories of the agreement " Video network "
  3. A bank of free programmes of rights on Internet to support the exchanges between the associative producers and televisions of proximity

How to use a program of the bank ?

The search engine

While reaching the bank of free programmes of rights of Vidéon, you arrive on a search engine of free contents of rights of diffusion on Internet.

You can inform the fields for selectionner a list of contents. In particular, it is possible to choose the type of contents (film, music...), to propose key words or to choose the language of this program. Click on the button " Search " to obtain a list of programs according to your search keys

Results of search and the previsualisation

The result of your search is displayed in the shape of a list including/understanding a program by line

You can prévisualiser the film or the music with the format RealVideo or RealNetwork while cliquant on the icones RealNetwork at the end of the line. If two icones exist, you can choose the flow more adapted to your Internet connection. Although visualization is often not in full screen, the previsualisation is enough for you often to know if the program interests you and if you wish to recover it in a sufficient quality to repeat it in your turn in format full screen.


In the list which results from your search, while cliquant on the title you obtain a complete card describing the programs (description, duration, credits, owner of the rights, elements included...) which you can print or copy from your hard disk.

You also have the possibility of downloading the selectionné program. For that, although the program is free of right, you must leave your name and your electronic address. You can also add comments on the way in which you think of using the program or of the suggestions to the author. This information will be transmitted to the producer of the program which will be able to thus know that its program is used. The greatest reward for a person or a group placing free at the disposal of the programs is of knowing that they are used and appreciated.

Once this information entered, you reach the page of downloading. There are often several possibilities of downloading in particular if you wish to download a film (which represents often significant files):

  • The films in format MPEG1 allow a use full screen with a quality a little higher than the VHS. Téléchargez these files when you have only one traditional telephone link (a film of 5 ' downloaded with a modem with 56Kbits/s requires two hours of downloading. Two hours of local connection in off-peak hour, for example the night, represents a cost less however than sends it of a cassettte by the post office)
  • The films with format MPEG2 are of a very great quality. It is about the format used by new numerical televisions and films diffused in DVD. The files diffused with this format are cepêndant more significant. You must have a faster connection. You can also make you help of a university or a local organization which can download this ficheie for you. Another solution consists in using fast Internet connections of our Walawa partner. A card in your PC or a PC proposed by Walawa enables you to receive Internet by Satellite while connecting on a Astra antenna.

The use of the programs

You have a program now (film, piece of film, music, photograph, illustration...). You can integrate it in your emissions or use it to supplement your own programs while following the rules of Public Multimedia License

In short, the licence gives you the right to copy, distribute or diffuse the program without paying rights of diffusion.

However, a free program is not a program of the public domain. There is an owner of the program and you must respect a certain number of rules.

  • The program must be diffused in its entirety, of the beginning to the end, by including the credits except when it is used with goal of illustration as envisaged by the law.
  • You cannot modify it but you have the right to translate it (subtitling or doubling) by respecting the text of origin. You can however include it in another program (for example an emission of television which would include reports).

N'hésitez pas non plus à envoyer vos commentaires ou vos suggestions à l'auteur. La banque de programme libres de droits sur Internet n'est pas un service de distribution de films et de musiques gratuites, mais un véritable réseau d'échange entre les producteurs et les diffuseurs.

How to add your contents in the bank?

You can add your own contents to the bank of free programs of rights on Internet and thus allow them to be diffused by many televisions of proximity throughout the world. For that it is necessary to follow the following stages:Rendez vos contenus libres de droits de diffusion

Make your contents free of rights of diffusion

To return a film, a music or a free image of right does not mean to put it in the public domain. The Public Multimédia Licence makes it possible to protect works while making it possible whoever to copy them, distribute them or diffuse them. Your contents could be integrated in a vaster program (for example an emission of television), but could not be modified except for the translation.

For that, it is enough for you to add to the credits of your films the mention suggested in the Licence:

((name of the contents, when it is not included in addition))

Copyright (c) ((name of the holder of the rights)) ((year)) ((also Add your electronic address, if necessary as your postal address))

This film (or this music or...) is free rights of diffusion
It is intended for televisions of proximity and to support the exchange between associations and/or private individuals.

You can translate it, redistribute it and/or diffuse it according to the terms of the Multi-media Public Licence published by association Vidéon (version 1 or well all other later version chosen by you).

This program is distributed in the state without any guarantee neither clarifies, nor implicit.

You can obtain a copy of the Licence from it:
Association Vidéon, LP 221 F-91133 Laugh Orangis cedex France.

((possible indication of the elements included in the contents the rights are held by another person or organization))

A file of title adapted to the Software of Première assembly is also available (the alpha layer makes it possible to superimpose it on another image). It is enough for you to replace Vidéon by the name of the owner of the rights, and to correct here the year the case échéant.Click with the right button of the mouse to download the file "licence.ptl"

As regards the musics and illustrations, you can add the mention envisaged on the support of distribution (CD, Cassette...). As regards the musics and illustrations entering the bank of programs, they are famous being free of rights and are protected from office by the Multi-media Public Licence.

Digitize your contents

The second stage consists in digitizing the contents to be put in the bank of programs or to convert them in a format easy to use:

  • For the drawings: Format GIF
  • For the photographs: Format JPEG
  • For the pieces of music: two conversions: RealAudio format for the préécoute and format MP3 for the downloading
  • For films: two or three conversions: RealVideo format for the previsualisation, format MPEG1 for the downloading by Modem, possibly format MPEG2 for the downloading of high quality for the people having high flows.

Preparation of the RealVidéo files:

In um the first time it is necessary to download real encoder and real player version G2 on the site (les versions de base sont gratuites)

(the basic configurations are free)

Digitize your film. Often the cards of digitalization produce films with the format " Video for Windows " (extension AVI). Your file avi must be of 160x120 resolution. If your film already exists with format AVI (in a face probably larger), made a recompiling with your software of assembly to obtain a new film with the format 160x120.

There are 2 ways of converting file AVI into RealVideo format: in advanced mode or Wizard mode

  • In advanced mode
    1. To open Real encoder.
    2. Cliquer " Setting " to parameterize the recording.
    3. In the " Setting ", " Audio " coachman, to choose " 5 Kps Voice " coachman " Video ", to choose " standard RealVideo " (12Kps) the total must make 17 Kps.
    4. To open " New session " in " File ". to notch " File " in Input Source and cliquer on " Browse " in order to selectionner your Avi file of 160x120. resolution notch " RealMedia Slips by " in Output and cliquer on " Save have " in order to choose the site where the Real file will be converted.
    5. cliquer on " Ok " then " Start ".
  • In Wizard mode
    1. To open Real encoder.
    2. To choose " Record from Device ".
    3. To notch " audio capture ", " captures video " and " using media device connected to video capture video ". To notch " 28 kps Modem ".
    4. To notch " Voice with Music Background "
    5. To notch " Smoothest Motion "

Conversion lasts approximately 20 mn for a film of 5mn.

You will have to still build the files of extension RAM or SMI which will call upon your RealVideo files. They are simple textual files that RealEncoder can help you to realize.

Preparation of files MPEG1

 To convert a Avi file into file MPEG, it is necessary to get to you a software of conversion such as for example XingMPEG 2.0.

Digitize your film. Often the cards of digitalization produce films with the format " Video for Windows " (extension AVI). Your file avi must be of 352x288 resolution. If your film already exists with format AVI (in a face probably larger), made a recompiling with your software of assembly to obtain a new film with the format 352x288.

  1. To open XingMPEG Encoder.
  2. cliquer on " New ".
  3. In the " Stream Profiles ", to choose the standard " STAKE " whose properties are the following ones:
    • System: MPEG 1, 2048 Pack Size 1228.80 kbits/sec
    • Video: MPEG 1, 352x288, 25 frames/sec, 15/3 IPB 1098kbits/sec
    • Audio: MPEG 1, 44100 Hz, JStereo(4) 112 kbits/sec cliquer on " following ".
  4. To choose the file avi source in Audio filename and video filename
  5. To choose the destination where the file will be converted.
  6. cliquer " To finish " then on " Encode ".

Conversion lasts approximately 1h30-2h for a film of 5 mn.

Preparation of files MPEG2

Files MPEG2 are larger than files MPEG1. Although there are software of compression MPEG2, best is to inform you if in your entourage somebody has means of material compression (with a card inserted in the computer).

The lodging of works

The following stage consists in putting your files on line on Internet. For the drawings or photographs a simple Web server is enough. For the files of musics and films in previsualisation (files RealAudio and RealVideo) you must have a server RealAudio or RealVideo on the machine which lodges your contents. For the musics and films in downloading, you must have of broad disk spaces and a good connectivity of the server.

Vidéon association has thanks to the partners of the bank of free programs rights of space to lodge files RealVideo and RealAudio, as well as place for files MP3, MPEG1 and MPEG2. If you are a television of proximity or an association of Vidéo production and if you have problems to lodge your productions, contact us. We can lodge some of your works free, within the limit of the availability.

Do not hesitate to contact the universities and the organizations equipped around on your premise to propose to them to help you to put on line your contents. The more there will be free servers of contents of rights, the more the network will develop.

Refer your contents in the search engine

Your free contents of rights are now on line. So that the potential users can find them and the selectionner, it any more but does not remain you to refer your works in the search engine. For that, cliquez on " refer your productions " in the welcome page of the bank of programs, and fill the form proposed.

Caution: You will have to as well know URLs of your works for the previsualisation as for the downloading.

When a person having prévisualisé your production and considering your card is interested to download your work, it will have simply to leave its name and its email and you will be thus held with the current of the use of your productions.

Vidéon © 2000