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You'll need the RealPlayer to watch the REAL films.
Click here to download it.
You'll need the DIVX codec to watch the MPEG-4 films.
Click here to download it.

What is it about ?   Vous êtes bilingue ?

Exchange Multimedia Programs.

The On-line Free Multimedia Program Bank is af free service
provided by Association Videon to facilitate creation and
development of non profit community TVs.

It aims to facilitate exchanges between associations and/or individuals.

There are two kind of programs provided by the Free Multimedia Program Bank :

  • Short movies to be broadcasted through community TVs

  • Elements to be included in new movies (music, rushes, pictures...)
  • Ca tombe bien, nous cherchons à traduire notre banque de programmes dans un maximum de langues.

    Vous parlez une langue nationale ou régionale ?
    Si senor, alors nous avons besoin de vous !

    Téléchargez, remplissez et renvoyez nous la fiche.

    Merci !


    Vidéon © 2000